Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Lessons from my 20s

    In an hour I will be 30 ! I thought I would cry and be emotional, but I'm so excited. I feel liberated from all of my mistakes from my 20s. I think. There is little that I will tolerate in my 30s that I allowed in my 20s. I'm ready for this new decade in my life.

 If you notice, I didn't say "Lessons Learned" in the title, because honestly I am still in the process of  learning some and others I'm still trying to understand the meaning of them. So here ya go.......

 1) God needs to  be the center of your life. Your relationship with him is the most important one that you will ever have.

1b) Mom is always right.

 2) Live a balanced life.

 3) Consistency and Hardwork DO pay off.

 4) Your mistakes do catch up with you. Don't live TOO recklessly. 

 5) Live with passion.

 6)When you have a gut feeling......go with it.

 7) Dogs are awesome! ( Go Sampy)!

 8) Be selfish-this is the perfect time to do so.

 9) You only get 1 blood family-treasure them !

10) Learn to be by yourself.

11) Learn to be still and discern the voice of God.
12) TRY not to ever get angry about the same thing TWICE.
13) Support people.

14) Value time - Don't waste your time or anybody elses.

15) Do something that scares/challenges you. In doing this you will magnify God in your life and learn that you really don't do anything on your own. Trust him.

16) Don't compare your story to anybody elses. Love and value your story. It's God-written.

17) Travel often!

18) Meet new people.

19) Serve others, while you have the time.

20) Every memory does not have to be documented on Social Media. (Don't let every event turn into a photo shoot. Enjoy time spent with friends and family).

21) Don't let other people validate you.

22) Watch people's actions. They SCREAM louder than words.

23) Develop excellent credit.

24) Don't be so serious.

25) Take care of yourself. Drinking and partying catches up to you. Prepare for your future NOW.

25b) Don't take it personal. When someone does something to you it is a reflection of them. Hurt people hurt people.

There are many more lessons that I've learned, but 25 just seems like a good number to stop at. I look forward to you reading my blog and hopefully at some point I can encourage you to live the life that you've dreamed of.


Ashley G.